Interactive HPC

General Information

Interactive HPC

For Interactive HPC, the focus is on interactive computing resources and easy access for new users. In the national context, this type is a new type of plant aimed at those users who do not have extensive experience with calculations on large plants. Typically, the individual researcher's computer is insufficient due to computing power, storage, or memory. Experienced users can, among other things, use this type of system to work with R statistics and prototyping and idea development, just as it could be the students' first encounter with HPC systems. It is expected that this type of HPC will help increase HPC use in research for several new users. The plant is operated by a consortium consisting of SDU, AAU and AU. The eScience Center at SDU and CLAAUDIA at AAU make the resources available, while AU handles the support and helps new users get started.

Interactive HPC is an alternative to the thinlinc service via
On the positive side;
• The application suite is extensive but different from GBAR
• It is possible to get a complete virtual Linux machine with admin right (although, comes with limitations regarding persistency)
• Filesharing between users - also between users from different universities - is supported

Further important notification
Generally, it is not possible to run software that requires a license server (e.g. ANSYS, COMSOL, Matlab). Due to limited scalability, i.e.
If the computational requirements increases, there is no easy way to change to a queue based execution of jobs (i.e. type II).

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